My friend called me yesterday to tell me she drove past a field of Sunflowers and I needed to get out there immediately and photograph someone – anyone. I’ve realized as I’ve gotten busier with photo shoots that I’ve started to slack on taking pictures of my own family so I took her advice, piled the family in the car and drove to the field.
It did not disappoint.
So here’s my top 5 reasons for YOU to grab your camera (even if it’s just the one on your phone) and do the same:
#1 Sunsets in late summer are magical
#2 I don’t know about yours, but my kids have each grown 2 inches since January (as proven by my beautiful wooden height chart that I am now starting to resent). It literally catches my breath to see the difference in their little faces in photos. I would be devastated if I didn’t have those earlier photos. Take. More. Photos.
#3 You don’t need a field of sunflowers. You don’t even need the ‘magical’ sunset. You just need a little personality.
#4. If your lucky enough to get them to stop running for long enough…
(“Look Mom, that plane is HUGE!”)
you just might get the shot that takes your breath away.
#5 Someday, they’ll thank you for it.
(This is what I get when I ask them to smile – seriously)
Not interested in being the photographer? Hire one! You won’t regret it.
**Yes I do have a 3rd child, he was keeping my husband busy as he tried to run photobomb every picture I took!