Day 16.  I have officially blogged for 16 days straight. I’ve passed the halfway point. Sweet!

It’s definitely rewarding and while there’s a ton of perks to completing project after project, there are some pitfalls too.

Such as…

Oh isn’t that nice. The laundry is about to swallow my bathroom.

No more avoiding it, I needed a laundry night like nobody’s business.  What better to accompany me while I watch Ellen and fold 5 Ikea bags of laundry? (best use of those big blue bags by the way)

Oh yeah.

That’s what I’m talkin’ about.

Doesn’t get much easier than this (unless you don’t own any ice cube trays like me and have to make a special trip to the grocery store where you overpay for one like me)

This is one drink where each sip gets better as the ice cubes melt.

Here’s the hilarious part about this…I clicked through the ‘Pin’ to fins the original source so I could give them a shout out as I like to do, and turns out the picture is actually almond milk with coffee ice cubes.


Sounds good and all but I’ll keep my Baileys thank you. As a matter of fact, now that I’m done with this post I think I’ll have another.