Advantages of taking 3 children ages 4 and under to a Restaurant:

  • Don’t have to cook or clean up.
  • I can’t think of one more advantage.  Not one.

Advantages of staying home:

  • No one has to witness the painful and often unappetizing process of teaching ‘said children’ table manners
  • No loading/unloading of the car (oh how I just love this part of parenting)
  • Save money
  • No one needs to know if one or two (or three) of us show up to the table in our jammies now do they?

Yet with the evidence so clearly in favor of staying home having the most advantage, we went out anyway.  I really didn’t want to cook.

We brought crazytown to Garbanzos tonight. Oi.

It is no small feat going out to dinner these days.

I decided after our little adventure we needed a treat (and by we I mean Jared and I).  So we put the kids to bed and I made this:

It’s no lie, really it only takes two minutes.  Well, maybe two minutes and 45 seconds for the gluten free version.  For the regular version recipe and my Pinspiration click here.

Start with your favorite mug.  Mine is this one that my sister gave to all of us sisters a few Christmas’ ago.  It came in a beautiful box with some Chai Tea (that was the bomb) and a little tea strainer.

Each of our cups has a different word with the ‘meaning’ on the inside of the lip

Or drinking tea, whichever you prefer.

Here’s the ingredients

Mix the dry ingredients first then add the rest.

Then put it in the microwave starting with one minute.  Check and add 20 seconds at a time until it’s cooked on the outside and gooey on the inside.

Deee-licious.  Only thing that would have made it better would have been a little Baileys with coffee ice cubes.

P.S. – For the record, my gluten free baking never ever looks pretty.  So this brownie may look like a hot mess but I swear it tasted amazing 🙂