I love Peanut Butter.  No, I mean I really, really love it. One might say I have a teensy weensy obsession with it.  Apparently the addiction is contagious in my house. We put it in our oatmeal, sometimes in cereal (hey, don’t judge..you know you’re weird too), on toast, rice cakes, ice cream, heck I even cook a chicken dish with it.  I must confess that I have fed my kids peanut butter straight from the jar without a second thought.

But the cold, hard fact is that you can’t exactly pass off peanut butter as the healthiest of snacks.  So I came up with a little dip that satisfies both my need for a peanut butter fix and my desire to feed my kids well.

So super easy.

3 Ingredients (yep, we clearly shop at Costco):

You can use any version of these items (i.e. it doesn’t have to be natural peanut butter or greek yogurt) but this specific combo happens to be a proven winner.

Just scoop some PB and Yogurt and add the cinnamon.

Mix it up and voila!

We most commonly dip sliced apples in it but the possibilities are endless!

For Jack I have to cut the apples into tiny pieces and put the dip on each one, otherwise he will simply use the apple slice as a spoon and never actually eat the apple!

If you try this with something other than apples let me know how yummy it turned out!!

***BTW – if you are so inclined, get fancy with it like my stepmom Jenean and add other ingredients (she added some sliced almonds for crunch and a little bit of cocoa).