Last week was an exasperating ‘Mommy’ week.

See this drawer?

It’s the kids drawer for all of their plates, bowls and cups.  So why is it empty you ask?

Well, because Jack has a new hobby of throwing things down the stairs.  This includes Daddy’s shoes, Grace’s toy grocery cart (with all the groceries of course) and most recently he discovered how fun emptying out the drawer onto the stairs is.  Can you hear the delight in my voice?

Here’s the yellow in flight.

I have nicknamed him ‘Destructo’.  He loves to make a mess.  As I am cleaning in one part of the room, he’s messing up the other part.  It’s madness.

Then there’s this girl

Looks innocent enough but recently she’s decided to sass, just about all day every day.  As a mom you just start to pray that they will be good just so that you can stop hearing ‘No’, ‘Stop that’ and ‘Go stand in the corner’  come out of your mouth.

Enter: Sunshine.  Oh praise God for the warm days we’ve been having.  The kids LOVE being outside as much as I love tossing them out!

Grace loves to wind up on the swing (remember doing this?)

and of course Jack loves to fly back and forth in his plane…

Here’s Grace pretending to let Jack knock her down

and give them a cup of water with some paintbrushes and they’re quiet for an hour

Hello static cling

Sunshine, please please don’t go away.  Please.

Meanwhile, what was little Luke up to?  Some tummy time…and not totally thrilled about it

But he was a good sport and worked until he wore himself out

He was happy to be flipped over