The other day Grace found a ladybug in the backyard and promptly named her Kathy.

She excitedly walked over to show Grandma Jenean and I and immediately we thought uh-oh, I think Kathy has gone to meet her Maker.

“Grace, I don’t hink Kathy is alive anymore.”

Without flinching she replied “Yes she is.”

“Well honey she’s not moving, I think she’s dead”

“No, she’s alive Mommy”  This went on for a bit. Finally she took her finger and gave the little bug corpse a good nudge and lo and behold, Kathy moved!  Faith of a child: where it looks hopeless she sees life.

She carried her around for a good while, even giving her a tour of our house.  Then she made Kathy a bed.

She flipped her little green stool upside down, put in her little doll pillow and added some grass so Kathy would feel at home.

Kathy hung out in her new digs for quite some time.  We brought to the front where the whole family was hanging out as I watered the garden and Jared changed a tire.  Then finally, Kathy flew the coop.

I went into the house for something and before I knew it I heard Grace calling sincerely at the top of her lungs



I felt my heart swell as I realized she was calling for her beloved ladybug as though she were a lost dog.

I love her imagination.

Yesterday Grace found a rolly polly and named her Kathy…