He’s our anxiously awaited, easy to smile, sweet sweet boy.

He’s a cowboy at heart, here he is wrestling his longhorn.

Plum wore him out.

We think he’s thoughtful

and full of personality

and did I mention how sweet he is?

Here he is wrapped in his homemade blanket from cousin ‘Sassy’ Rose Bloom in front of his homemade pillowcase from ‘Auntie’ Jackie Hobbins.

Brother Jack, what a surprise this turned out to be.  We assumed this would be a tough transition with many appearances by the green eyed monster.  Instead we find ourselves melting each time Jack gives him a kiss on the top of the head, which is just about every time he sees him.  He called him ‘gook’ at first (yikes) which evolved into ‘elk’ and now we’re at ‘ook’.

‘Diss’ he says, which means ‘kiss’.

Then there’s Grace.  From the moment she laid eyes on him she’s been in love.  She loves to hold him, to burp him, help change him and more than anything to get him to smile at her.  That last part comes easy.

My heart is bursting.