I know it’s a bit late for a New Year’s resolution but when you hear what it is you’ll understand…I’m resolving to not be last minute all the time.  Yep, I’m a serial procrastinator (oh for shame).  I figure this post was appropriate in demonstrating my issue with this.  Luke is now 7 weeks old and I’m just getting around to posting his ‘birthday’ pics.  Drives me nuts.  So there it is, in writing.   Now I just need to find aout 4 more hours in each day…

Luke was a little bit of a procrastinator too.  40 weeks and 1 day, just like the other two (must be genetic).  In my mind I imagined the day to go something like this: Go into labor at home in the early morning. Get to the hospital just in time for my ‘happy medicine’ and within a couple short hours Luke would be born.  Voila!  Easy Peasy.

Luke had other plans.  I actually did start labor contractions early in the morning but I just knew something was different, they weren’t progressing like they should.  Nevertheless because my previous two labors went so quickly I checked into the hospital right away.  A bit of pitocin, a failed epidural and the most painful birth experience I have yet finally produced my beautiful baby Luke at 5:07 pm.

Turns out he was ‘sunny side up’ which is a cute, endearing term for the dreaded back labor (did I mention failed epidural!) and explains the stalled contractions.  Not to mention the cord was around his neck (that’s 3 for 3 for these Faris babies) and dropping his heart rate so we had to get him out pronto.  Ouch.

We try to control so much in our lives.  I think we even convince ourselves sometimes that we are in control.  But if there’s one thing that humbles us right out of our delusion it’s having children.  From getting pregnant, throughout the pregnancy to giving birth and then the actual ‘taking them home and raising them’ part, we learn that we are completely OUT of control.  Ladies, birth plan is an oxymoron am I right?  It’s hard to let go, but I believe to my core that of all things our children are the most worthy to relinquish to God.  That’s no accident.

“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3-4

Thanks to ‘Auntie Joy’ for 95% of these photos.  *Love you*

Here’s Jared coming out to announce the birth to the ‘crowd’

First glimpse via ‘smarthphone’

My awesome OB – she’s delivered all 3!

Sister and Brother arrive to meet the little guy!

Love at first sight

Hey can I get in there????

Lemme up!

Hi Luke!

First peek

Mommy in love

First bath


My biggest baby!

And finally, Daddy gets to hold him

Proud Grandparents

and Uncle and cousins

The next day, Grace’s special moment

and to think we were worried if Jack would like him…

Getting ready to go home

He worked on this seat for a good 10 minutes.  Most secure baby EVER.

Passed out for the journey

Home sweet home

and quite happy about it (don’t tell me it’s gas!)

Now I’m really not a fan of bare belly pics but Grace just makes this one so special.  Here we are just before leaving for the hospital getting our good luck kiss.