We all have to deal with it.  Whether it’s your co-worker in the cubicle next to you whose cell phone ring is named ‘cat fight’.  Set to LOUD.  And it rings all. day. long.

The woman in the office across from yours whose perfume assaults your nose for a good 45 seconds every time she walks by.  Ick.

The one who respectfully listens to Pandora with their headphones but then inadvertently sings out loud anyway.

The phone ringing and evaporating that brilliant thought that just came to mind…the urgent e-mails from your boss that keep filling your inbox, one always more important than the last.

Distraction.  We learn to work with it.  Or, like in my case, we learn to modify our expectations.

I started this post yesterday.  My intentions were to sit down after breakfast and have it published by lunch.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

First, a Rock Star entered my office space.

You go girl.


And this guy:

We’re in the “don’t ever leave me alone, as a matter of fact just hold me all day please” stage.  And really, who can resist that mug?

Then there’s the everyday drama.


“Yes Grace”

“Luke pooped and it came out of his diaper and I accidentally put my hand in it.  There’s POOP on my hand!!!”


And Jack: “Mommy hold me mommy hold me mommy hold meholdmeholdme.”  He has a cold and well, wants to be held.

I happen to love ‘those that distract me’ but it doesn’t lessen the frustrations of missing my own personal deadlines.  It’s a stereotype that all women are natural multi-taskers.  It’s not that I can’t juggle with the best of them but i readily admit I don’t thrive on it.  What I love to do is concentrate on something, devote myself and really produce something I’m proud of.

So sometimes the kids get ignored.  Don’t confuse that with neglected.  It’s equally important for my children to be able to play independently or with each other without relying on Mom or Dad.  And since I work in an ‘open-office’ environment, I’ve learned to master the art of working with distraction.

OR, Jared and I take turns escaping to the local coffee shop to work.  Hey, we’re only human.

So I’m a day late for my deadline.  But it made for a better post anyway 🙂

What’s your best distraction story???  I know you all have one…or two or ten.